Loved this article and thought its apt for the skillset label on my blog , so here it is for the benefit of others: WORKING as a business consultant all over the world, I have discovered some basic career-related rules that everyone should know but many don’t. Business is made up of ambiguous victories and nebulous defeats. Claim them all as victories. Keep track of what you do; someone is sure to ask. Be comfortable around senior managers, or learn to fake it. Never bring your boss a problem without some solution. You are getting paid to think, not to whine. Long hours don’t mean anything; results count, not effort. Write down ideas; they get lost, like good pens. Always arrive at work 30 minutes before your boss. Help other people network for jobs. You never know when your turn will come. Don’t take days off sick unless you are. Assume no one can / will keep a secret. Know when you do your best morning, night, under pressure, relaxed; schedule and prioritize your wor...