
Showing posts from July, 2011

Solution to "this test is locked by another quality center user"

There are a lot of instances while working with Quality center that you might have noticed this message "this test is locked by another quality center user” Sometimes you may have imposed a self lock on it.. J This happens mostly when the user kills the QTP process when the script is still open(from QC). If you have forgotten the machine where you have imposed a self lock then don’t worry as here is the soln to get rid of the same: Copy the following code and run it from the machine were qc is instantiated. On Error Resume Next     desc = "Please provide the network id for the user, and please make sure" &_         "this user is logged out prior to removing locks"    UName = InputBox(desc,"Provide network id")   If(UName <> "") Then        Set cmd = TDConnection.Command         cmd.CommandText = "DELETE FROM Locks WHERE LK_USER ...

Maximize browser using QTP and IE8 / IE7 / Firefox

Problem : Maximize a tabbed browser (ie7/ie8/firefox) Solution1:  hwnd=Browser("name:=myBrowser").getROProperty("hwnd")                Window("hwnd:="&hwnd").Maximize Disadvantage:  Does not work with tabbed browsers consistently Solution2: hwnd=Browser("name:=myBrowser").Object.HWND               Set objWindow=Window("hwnd:="&hwnd2)               objWindow.Maximize Disadvantage:  Does not work with tabbed browsers when there are multiple browsers open   Solution3: SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe",URL,"C:\","open","3" The "3" at the end Activates and Maximizes the window. Disadvantage:  Does not work when the browser is already open   Solution4: Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") ...