
Showing posts from March, 2012

Fitnesse from Command line

In continuation to my previous post " Integrating QC with Fitnesse " Here are the commandline options for running Fitnesse: Advantages: All tests run in a single process unlike the web server test executions. It's easily debuggable. It removes the need to start a local FitNesse server to run tests. Can generate HTML output to a file Can generate XML output to a file Sample Command: java -jar fitnesse.jar -p "&strPort&" -c "&strFITTestScriptName&" > "&strExpectedResultsPath Command line options: -debug This option will print FitNesse protocol actions to the console. -v This option should give a verbose output about test progress to the console -results file The result of the testrun is saved to a textfile with the given name. -html file The result of the testrun is saved to a html file with the given name. -xml file The result of the testrun is saved to a xml file with the given name. -nopath This opt...

VBA - Combine worksheets in Excel and Kill all excel objects

This is a simple vba script that will let you combine excel work sheets and make sure no orphan excel objects are pending. Sub CopyFromWorksheets() Dim wrk As Workbook Dim sht As Worksheet Dim trg As Worksheet Dim rng As Range Dim colCount As Long 'Dim sheetDelimiter As String ' Creates excel app object Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")    ' Makes the excel invisible objExcel.Visible = False ' Supress all display alerts objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False ' Gets the complete path of the active excel sheet strExcelFilePath = ActiveWorkbook.FullName   ' Opens the excel file Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(Trim(strExcelFilePath)) Set objWorkSheet = objWorkbook.Worksheets("Merge") objWorkSheet.Activate ' Gets the count of column Set objRange = objWorkbook.Worksheets("Merge") numRowsCount = objRange.Evaluate("COUNTA(A1:A100)") Worksheets("Merge").Activate 'shee...

QC OTA - Test Lab

Here are some amazing functions that can be reused wrt QC OTA for Test Lab module: - Create Test Set - Add tests to Test Set - Create the supplied directory structure in the test lab - Create a test set underneath a given parent - Return a test set if it exists - Returns a testsetfolder for the given path Public Function TestLabCreateTestSet(strFolderPath As String, strTestSetName As String, ByRef CreatedTestSet As TestSet)     Dim tstSetFolder As TestSetFolder     Dim testSetFolderF As TestSetTreeManager     Dim TestSetF As TestSetFactory     Dim testSet1 As TestSet     Dim oTestSet As TestSet             'Does the test set already exist? If so return it     Set oTestSet = TestLabGetTestSet(strFolderPath, strTestSetName)     If Not (oTestSet Is Nothing) Then         'Msg...

QC OTA - Test Plan - 2

- Find Test in Test Plan - Return a SubjectNode object for a given path in the Test Plan Function TestPlanFindTest(ByVal strTestName As String, ByVal strFolderToSearchPath As String, ByVal SearchChildFolders As Boolean, Optional ByVal strTestType As String, Optional blnSilentMode As Boolean) As Test         Dim oParentNode As SubjectNode     Dim SubjectNodeList As List     Dim oSubjectNode As SubjectNode     Dim intMatchCount As Integer: intMatchCount = 0     Dim TestFact As TestFactory     Dim oReturnValue As Test     Dim TestFilter As TDFilter     Dim TestList As List     Dim oTest As Test     Dim blnTypedMatched As Boolean: blnTypedMatched = True         Set oParentNode = TestPlanGetSubjectNode(strFolderToSearchPath)     Set TestFact = tdc.TestFactory ...

QC OTA - Test Plan - 1

Here are some amazing functions that can be reused wrt QC OTA for Test Plan module: - Copy paste within Test Plan - Create folder structure within Test Plan - Does a particular path exist in Test Plan - Does a [particular test exist in Test Plan Function TestPlanCopyPasteTest(strSourceFolderPath, strDestFolderPath, strSourceTestName, strNewTestName) As Boolean 'Copy a test, including design steps and parameters. ' For example: ' CopyPasteTest "Subject\TestFolder1", "Subject\TestFolder2", "Test1" ' Copies Test1 to TestFolder2 Dim sourceFolder As SubjectNode Dim destFolder As SubjectNode Dim treeMng As TreeManager Dim iscp As ISupportCopyPaste Dim clipboard As String Dim oSourceTest As Test Dim oNewTest As Test 'Check that the source file exists If Not TestPlanDoesTestExist(strSourceTestName, strSourceFolderPath, False, "") Then TestPlanCopyPasteTest = False MsgBox "Source test does not exist: " ...

Read Registry on remote machines VbScript

  Here is a simple code to read any part of the registry from any machine , provided you have admin rights on the target machine: Const HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE = &H80000002 Set oReg=GetObject("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & "Machine Name" & "\root\default:StdRegProv") strKeyPath = "SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment" strValueName = "BU" oReg.GetStringValue HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,strKeyPath,strValueName,strValue msgbox strValue Modify the strKeyPath and the strValueName and you can read any value in the registry!

Agile Adoption wrt Automation

The practice of Refactoring code changes the structure (i.e., the design) of the code while maintaining its behavior Costs are reduced because continuous refactoring keeps the design from degrading over time, ensuring that the code is easy to understand, maintain, and change. Automated Acceptance Tests Automated acceptance tests are tests written at the beginning of the iteration that answer the question: “what will this requirement look like when it is done?”. This means that you start with failing tests at the beginning of each iteration and a requirement is only done when that test passes. This practice builds a regression suite of tests in an incremental manner and catches errors, miscommunications, and ambiguities very early on. This, in turn, reduces the amount of work that is thrown away and therefore enables building less. The tests also catch bugs and act as a safety-net during change. Best Practices More up front position of the test team Realistic time for test desig...

AutoIt Scripting Language and SDK - Part Three

Understanding – Scripting Style – X control The ActiveX control or dll’s can provide a extended support to the other scripting languages with the features AutoIt provides. An example Notepad automation VBScript is shown here. – Example WSH Script (VBScript) Require Variants to be declared before used Option Explicit ' Declare Variables & Objects Dim oShell Dim oAutoIt ' Initialise Variables & Objects Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell“) Set oAutoIt = WScript.CreateObject("AutoItX3.Control") ' Start of Script WScript.Echo "This script will run notepad and type in some text" oShell.Run "notepad.exe", 1, FALSE ' Wait for the Notepad window to become active oAutoIt.WinWaitActive "Untitled - Notepad", "" ' Send some keystokes to notepad oAutoIt.Send "Hello, this is line 1{ENTER}“ oAutoIt.Send "This is line 2{ENTER}This is line 3“ oAutoIt.Sleep 1000 oAutoIt.Send ...

AutoIt Scripting Language and SDK - Part Two

Understanding – SciTE Editor  SciTE is a cross-platform text editor. Lightweight and built for speed, it is designed mainly for source editing, and performs syntax highlighting and inline function reference for many different languages. The editor comes with the package with the AutoIt command auto complete feature. Which makes scripting easy. It can compile, build and run the scripts. Understanding – Scripting Style C like import facility. – #include "[path\]filename“, #include , #include-once Variables starts with ‘$’ sign – $Mid="M1009944“ Commenting – ‘;’ ;This is a comment Looping Regular Expressions Understanding – Scripting Style -GUI  Any GUI script will need to #include for basic GUI related constants. For advanced controls we need to add additional files. Lets create a window :- We can call it “Hello World”. It will be a window of 200 by 100 pixels in size. Remember : When a new window is created it is hidden - so we must "show" it. Code...

AutoIt Scripting Language and SDK - Part One

Definition – What is AutoIt ?  AutoIt is a freeware automation language for Microsoft Windows. In its earliest release, the software was primarily intended to create automation scripts (sometimes called macros) for Microsoft Windows programs but has since grown to include enhancements in both programming language design and overall functionality. AutoIt is a language made for automating the functionalities under Microsoft windows to automate repetitive tasks. E.g. Installation/Un-installation of software, monitoring and triggering batch jobs and tasks, and repetitive test case executions. History  Developer(s) : Jonathan Bennett & AutoIt Team Stable release : / December 24th, 2008 lPreview release : / June 14th, 2009 Operating system : Microsoft Windows 95, 98, ME, NT4, 2000, XP, 2003 and Vista (however, support for operating systems older than Windows 2000 was discontinued with the release of v3.3.0) Type : GUI Scripting language Automation Lic...