
Showing posts from May, 2012

Another reason why testing is so important!

Yet again we see a real life scenario showing what bad testing scenarios can do: Nasdaq CEO Blames Software Design for Delayed Facebook Trading May 21 (Bloomberg) -- Nasdaq OMX Group Inc., under scrutiny after shares of Facebook Inc. were plagued by delays and mishandled orders on its first day of trading, blamed "poor design" in the software it uses for driving auctions in initial public offerings. "biggest IPO cross in the history of mankind" was occurring Nasdaq's systems fell into a "loop" that prevented the second-largest U.S. stock venue operator from opening the shares on schedule following the $16 billion deal Nasdaq will use an "accommodation pool" to pay back investors that should have received executions in the opening auction, based on the decisions of a third-party reviewer, Greifeld said. It may total $13 million, he said. The IPO software "didn't work" even after thousands of hours of testing fo...

Automate recurring appointments on MS Outlook

Here is another piece of code that is fun when it comes to automating data from excel and setting up outlook recurring appointments. strExcelPath = "" Const olAppointmentItem = 1 Const olRecursWeekly = 1 Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objExcel.WorkBooks.Open strExcelPath Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1) intRow = 3 Do While objSheet.Cells(intRow, 1).Value <> ""     strName = objSheet.Cells(intRow, 3).Value     strDate = objSheet.Cells(intRow, 4).Value         Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")     Set objAppointment = objOutlook.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)     strStart = strDate & "/2012 11:00 AM"     strEnd = strDate & "/2099 11:00 AM"     objAppointment.Start = strStart     objAppointment.Duration = 30     objAppointment.Subject = str...

DOM and IE Automation

There are many forums and posts from testers trying to automate scripts by using DOM(Document Object Model) of the internet explorer. Here is a script that i used recently along , that will help anyone using the DOM and windows shell scripting : Option Explicit Sub WaitForLoad(obj)     Do While ie.Busy     Loop     Do While obj.readyState <> 4     Loop     wscript.sleep(100) End Sub 'Create ie and shell object Set ie = WScript.CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") Set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") 'set the ie properties ie.ToolBar = 1 ie.StatusBar = 1 ie.Width = 999 ie.Height = 999 ie.Left = 0 ie.Top = 0 ie.Visible = 1 'navigate to the web page ie.Navigate("http:\\") 'wait until the page has loaded before continuing WaitForLoad(ie) 'Enter the user details ie.Document.All.Item("txtUser").Value = strUser 'strUser = Trim (InputBox ("Plz enter the password")) ie.Docu...