
Showing posts from June, 2014

Specified VM install not found

If you have recently upgraded the JRE on your machine and you start facing problems with eclipse.  Also If you see this message when you try to run eclipse  Specified VM install not found: type Standard VM What will not work? Deleting and recreating the workspace What will work: First let the project know which JDK container to use: Navigate to Window -> Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs Select the jdk on your machine Navigate to Window->Preferences->Java->Installed JREs->Execution Environments List of common jvm environments such as JavaSE-1.6 and JavaSE-1-7 names. Click rows and choose jre instance on the right side panel. This is where you may accidentally have nothing chosen if JREs were uninstalled or names changed in InstalledJREs setting. You may get Specified vm install not found error dialog. Go Back to the Project Navigate to the JavaBuildPath  Add Library -> JRE System Library-> Next and Finish If you ar...

How do you update the results of a test run into Rally ? Rally REST API

If you are looking for code that can help you update results into Rally after an automated test run, here is the code:         String host = "";         String username = configProp.getProperty("RallyUserName");         String password = configProp.getProperty("RallyPassword");         String wsapiVersion = "v2.0";         String workspaceRef = "/workspace/11111";         String applicationName = "Rest_FindTC";                 RallyTestCaseId = TCID;    RallyRestApi restApi = new RallyRestApi(            new URI(host),            username,            password);    restApi.setWsapiVersion(wsapiVersion);    restApi.setApplicationName(applicationName);  ...

junit @test order - How do you sort the order of test cases in JUNIT?

Although writing ordered test cases is considered a bad practice. There are instances in any testing framework where even though the test cases are independent of each other you want them to run in a certain order. ( Sort the test cases ) The solution is to use MethodSorters  class. MethodSorters is a new class that was introduced after Junit 4.11 release and uses three types of execution orders. ** Sorts the test methods by the method name, in lexicographic order */ NAME_ASCENDING(MethodSorter.NAME_ASCENDING),   /** Leaves the test methods in the order returned by the JVM. Note that the order from the JVM my vary from run to run */ JVM( null ),   /** Sorts the test methods in a deterministic, but not predictable, order */ DEFAULT(MethodSorter.DEFAULT); You will require the following imports to achieve the same: import org.junit.FixMethodOrder; import org.junit.runners.MethodSorters; You now have a way to execute your test cases in order :) Happ...

How to retrieve the test case ID or TCID from Rally using Rally REST API

Trying to integrate Rally using Java, then you are reading the right post. Download the jars needed which would be: rally-rest-api-2.0.1.jar gson-2.2.4.jar The code below takes the TCID as the input and returns a reference to the test case that you can use as need be.         String host = "";         String username = configProp.getProperty("RallyUserName");         String password = configProp.getProperty("RallyPassword");         String wsapiVersion = "v2.0";         String workspaceRef = "/workspace/11111";          String applicationName = "Rest_FindTC";    RallyRestApi restApi = new RallyRestApi(            new URI(host),            username,            password);    rest...

Could not start a new session. Possible causes are invalid address of the remote server.......

Problem: This again was an issue that I found when I tried setting up the selenium test automation framework on a new machine. Solution: Things that you need to check to solve this issue. First thing check the version of JRE in your project, the javac compiler in your IDE. Changing the JRE System Library from jdk1.7.0 to jre7 Make sure the classpath is set correctly pointing to the JRE and JDK If you are using ANT make sure you have the ant libraries in the right place. Also make sure you have the tools.jar under Ant - Runtime - global libraries. That worked for me, hope it helps anyone facing the same issue. Happy Automating!

Cannot find chrome binary Selenium Webdriver

This is a very basic error that you find when you try and setup the Selenium framework on new machines. "Unknown error - Cannot find chrome binary: Selenium...." Even though you have chrome running on your machine and the chromedriver.exe working fine this error haunts for sometime, until you realize that all you need to do is re-install a local copy of chrome. You can also copy Google Chrome to a local folder within the machine and change the class-path. Simple error but sometimes gets annoying. Happy automation!

Page Object Pattern v/s Separating elements from behavior

This is one of the most common issues that you face while designing a Selenium Webdriver test automation framework. Technique 1: Something that you will see being either prescribed by people who have been doing automation for long or have used in automation tools earlier ( like QTP/TestComplete). Create page elements/locators class to store all elements and a separate page object class for the behavior of elements in that page. Technique 2: In contrast to the above idea here we use just one page object class to store all the elements and methods for that page. Validations and test flows reside outside the page object class. I guess as an automation architect the only question I always have is "Which design is easier to manage and maintain?" A combination of the two approaches is what makes an hybrid maintainable framework. Have separate page elements but store them in a Java properties file. Have a page element class or a Business process class for behavior of each flow....

Create Test Automation HTML reports with Java + Selenium Webdriver

As the name suggests the idea is to create a neat and classy html report that has all the data and the links to your screenshots. Easy to Read + Clean and classy + Apt data + Links to your screenshots The easiest way to create reports in any test automation framework. that uses Java is to have separate functions for: The Header  The Data + Footer You might also want to have a separate function for the footer. Some sample reports that can be an inspiration: Html Color codes: And here is the code that is reusable: public void testHeader(String testCaseName) throws IOException{ Date d = new Date(); String date=d.toString().replaceAll(" ", "_"); date=date.replaceAll(":", "_"); ...

Naming Conventions for Object / Locator Repository / Properties File

I guess there is no real need for me to emphasize why is it that we need to make our Object / Locator repository clean. Whatever you call the OR: Object map Simple Properties file Object Repository Name Mapping file Or any other file that stores your objects The reason you want them to be clean: Vastly reduce the amount of time needed for script Script maintenance in case object properties change Sophisticated Object identification and management In the context of Selenium WebDriver, there is no out-of-the box solution for Object identification and repository. This furthermore increases the relevance and importance of a good way of managing things. In an Agile based project, you can add object place holders so that as development is happening, even automation can begin in parallel. Identify objects in the Object Repository that are no longer available in the AUT Easy navigation when the size of the Object Repository grows exponentiall #---------------------...

TestComplete for testing mobile web applications

Automation has evolved with time, Today the industry demands automation on mobile platforms as much as on the workstations. After evaluating quite a few tools, I see that the easiest way to automate web applications for a mobile device is by using TestComplete: If you would want to do a POC yourself follow these simple steps and you will be ready to automate a lot more! Uses Google Chrome’s mobile browser emulation.  You can create automated GUI tests and functional tests of your mobile Web apps, and make sure they work fluently on multiple mobile devices with different aspect ratios and screen resolutions. Chrome uses Webkit Browser Engine Built-In Mobile Browser Definitions Keyword Driven Mobile Web Mobile Web Testing Let's get to the meat of things, How do you create your Mobile Web Tests? Create a New Project for POC Setup Chrome with the test case settings  To add a mobile browser profile to your test project: Select Tools | Current Project...