
Showing posts from January, 2016

syncing a fork from base upstream - Github

If it's been a while since you forked a repository on github , there are very good possibilities that the base repository is now updated and you would like to sync your local repo to the upstream repo. There are two ways you can do this: the github GUI or the command prompt: From the UI: Open the forked git repo forkedRepo Click on compare  You will get this notification "There isn't anything to compare  baseRepo  is up to date with all commits from  forkedRepo . Try  switching the base  for your comparison." Click on switching the base on this page.  Then you get to see all the commits made to  baseRepo   after the day you forked it. Click on "Click to create a pull request for this comparison" Give the pull request a title and maybe a description and click send pull request. On the next page, Scroll to the bottom of the page and click merge pull request and confirm merge. Your Git repo   forkedRepo   will be up...

Firefinder + Firebug + Firepath

Most of us use firepath along with firebug as an add-on to find appropriate xpath locators. Firepath - This add-on helps you find both the css and xpath locators. Just like firepath you first need to install Firebug, then Firefinder . How is it different from firepath? It's more of an evaluate your css or xpath tool. Happy Inspecting in the new year :)