If you are wondering how you can trim the spaces in your xpath, this is how: The normalize-space function strips leading and trailing white-space from a string, replaces sequences of white-space characters by a single space, and returns the resulting string. Example : Which one is better? //td[starts-with(normalize-space(),'Text to Trim')] //td[starts-with(normalize-space(text()),' Text to Trim ')] The second option is better as it targets at the specific nodes More string functions in XPATH: Functions Description starts-with( string1 , string2 ) Returns true if the first string starts with the second string. contains( string1 , string2 ) Returns true if the first string contains the second string. substring( string offset length ) Returns a section of the string. The section starts at offset (which is a number), and is as long as the value provided at length. substring-before( string1 , string2 ) Returns the part of...
free ged practice test printable A practice test for students who wish to take a GED class is necessary because it can help prepare them from the actual examination. Since there are five main subjects involved in one entire class, these practice tests can help students know where to focus their attention first and which topics should they study more of since these are the ones included in the examination.