JQL - JIRA Query Language examples and more

I have been playing around with jql Queries for those who don't know what these are: JQL is an extension for JIRA that provides support for querying collections of objects. The JIRA Query Language , some interesting queries: 
Find all issues without a DueDate, sorted by CreationDate, then by Priority (lowest to highest):
duedate = empty order by created, priority asc

Find all issues where the Reporter or Assignee is anyone except John Smith:
assignee != "John Smith" or reporter != "John Smith"

Work logged in last two weeks with assignee x,y,z ordered by priority and updated
project = test AND worklogDate >= -2w AND assignee in (Tom, Harry, Sick) ORDER BY priority DESC, updated DESC

An interesting blog on "The most flexible way to search JIRA"

and the atlassian blog explaining it all:http://blogs.atlassian.com/2013/03/jql-recap/


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