What is reactor??

In simple words: Reactor is what makes multi-module builds possible

Reactor is a part of Maven that allows executing a goal on a set of modules. 
It determines the correct build order from the dependencies stated by each project in their respective project descriptors, and will then execute a stated set of goals. 

It computes the directed graph of dependencies between modules, derives the build order from this graph and then executes goals on the modules. In other words, a "multi-modules build" is a "reactor build" and a "reactor build" is a "multi-modules build" :) 

Reactor does this:
  1. Collects all the available modules to build
  2. Sorts the projects into the correct build order
  3. Builds the selected projects in order
How this fits in the test automation space?
Separate out:
  1. Test Data Seeding
  2. Test Execution
  3. Reporting Framework
  4. Test Coverage

What you should read: 



  1. It determines the correct build order from the dependencies stated by each project in their respective project descriptors, and will then execute a stated set of goals.
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