Seven Pragmatic Practices to Improve Software Quality - A Forrester research report

A new Forrester Research report, Seven Pragmatic Practices to Improve Software Quality , by analysts Margo Visitacion and Mike Gualtieri. Seven steps taken directly from the Forrester report: Pragmatic Practice 1 Define Quality to Match Your Needs Impact on Quality: Meet business requirements; achieve a satisfying user experience. Benefit: Your ability to achieve quality is improved because the application development team is not charged with unrealistically perfect expectations. Rather, it is chartered with a definition of quality that fits the given time, resource, and budget constraints. Relevant Roles: Business stakeholders; entire application development team. Pragmatic Practice 2 Broadcast Simple Quality Metrics Impact on Quality: Reduce defects. Benefit: Highly visible metrics keep quality top of mind for the entire team and expose when efforts fall short. Relevant Roles: Entire application development team. Pragmatic Practice 3 Fine-Tune Team/Individual ...