Automating PDF with QTP just got easier!

There are many ways in which pdfs can be automated , since it's been some time that I automated pdf related stuff; I found some new ways that are easier: Apart from the older methods like: For Adobe Reader: Set rdrObj= createobject("AcroPDF.PDF") rdrObj.LoadFile("C:\test.pdf") rdrObj.PrintAll Set rdrObj= Nothing Note: This approach is good but has few options and can only be used for purposes like printing contents of the pdf file. For Adobe Acrobat: Set acrObj = CreateObject( "AcroExch.PDDoc" ) If acrObj .Open( FileName ) Then PagesinPdf = acrObj .GetNumPages() Set acrObj = Nothing Else PagesinPdf = -1 End If Note: Set acrObj = CreateObject("AFormAut.App")--to manipulate from pdf forms Set acrObj = CreateObject("AcroExch.App")--creating acrobat application object Set acrObj = CreateObject("AcroExch.AVDoc")--one a...