Automated UI Tester / Genie

Automated UI Tester for Adobe® Action Script® is code named as Genie. Automated UI Tester is a Flash/Flex automation tool that can record user actions on a SWF file and play them back with high fidelity. With other automation tools, automating Flash applications requires instrumenting them to run inside a wrapper application; but with Genie, it just requires a configuration file and Flash Player. So with Genie, users can automate their production builds easily. Genie currently works on Windows and on Mac OS X. What you need to setup Genie: 1) Eclipse 2) Genie binary 3) Flash Debug version for IE 4) Any flash application **Genie does not require instrumentation of you flex app for getting access to flex components unlike most tools. Limitations: Only works for Action Script 3 based flex applications. Installation: Genie setup can be done in 5 minutes flat once the per-requisites are installed. You will need the following pre...