Export ALM Requirements / Requirement traceability to Excel Sheet

Different ways to do that: SQL which fetches the “requirement traceability” i.e. test cases associated to the requirement from ALM: SELECT REQ_COVER.RC_REQ_ID, TEST.TS_NAME, TEST.TS_USER_03, TEST.TS_EXEC_STATUS, TESTCYCL.TC_USER_04, TESTCYCL.TC_USER_06, TEST.TS_SUBJECT FROM REQ_COVER, TEST, TESTCYCL Where TEST.TS_TEST_ID = REQ_COVER.RC_ENTITY_ID And TESTCYCL.TC_TEST_ID = TEST.TS_TEST_ID AND TS_SUBJECT in (5140, 5141) Note: TS_SUBJECT are the folder ID’s within which test cases are stored in test plan module =================================================================== Click on Dashboard > Analysis View > Then Click on Analysis and select New Excel report > Create a query in Quick Builder > Save the Query > Click on Generate button ==================================================================== Happy Testing!!