Five Gems For A Tester To Groom In Professional Life - QAGuild

A testing career like any other careers in Software Project has a long journey to cover to reach to a level of satisfaction. Tester needs to perform his career objectives consistently during all stages of his career. A consistency in performance will help him sustain his current level, but to acquire a continuous growth plan, he needs to think differently. A continuous improvement plan is required to attain an upward graph in his career growth. An extra edge over his peers can be attained by adopting following qualities that not only help in career growth but also provide a strong belief in his capabilities.

The qualities can be listed as below:

  1. Capabilities Assessment: A Tester needs to assess his current capabilities at regular intervals. A regular monitoring helps him in analyzing the capabilities growth chart trend. If his capabilities increase continuously, the trust on him by his peers will keep increasing. His seniors also will rely more on him for any new challenges that come across during different phases of project related to quality areas. A regular trend also helps him in ascertaining his future capabilities.
  2. Optimization: How do you optimize your skills? Do you have a successful mandate for that? Do you realize the importance of that? Do you understand the benefits of that? All these questions will definitely prompt you to understand the importance of optimization of your skills. It not only helps you in your professional growth but also enhances your knowledge stream thereby providing you an internal satisfaction. The catalytic effect is enormous in assessing your potential once you start driving on this path. The best way to get the feel of it is through your peers, mentors, seniors and friends.
  3. Sustenance: Achieving a height is simple as compared to sustaining it. Next heights can be achieved only once you sustain your current potential. Then you can strive for your next leap. Higher level of capabilities can be tapped only by way of achieving it and more importantly sustaining it.
  4. Strategize: There are two ways of growing. One is choosing a smooth road and driving on it without much efforts and pains. Another way is to choose a road with lot of potholes, doing extra efforts, taking pains and making your drive a smooth drive. If you want to catch sight of your peers and managers, choose the second path to demonstrate your hidden skills and talent. The managers will not hesitate in empowering you once you win their trust once for all.
  5. Neutral: You need to take a neutral stride. Unbiased opinions and working style pays in long run. There is no short cut to success is a well known saying. Repeat it everyday so that it gets engrossed in your mind. Be open, neutral and transparent in your work.
One of the best articles I have read to follow more interesting articles follow the link below:

Source: Five Gems For A Tester To Groom In Professional Life - Jaideep Khanduja


  1. Oh your post selections are fab.
    Keep up the quality!


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