Test Execution and Defect Tracking - SQA Campus

This phase begins with the execution of Test Design described in previous phase of STLC. This includes:
1. Execution of test cases manually.
2. Execution of automation script.
3. Update the test case status(pass/fail) after comparing the expected result with actual result.
4. Defect Reporting and Tracking.
5. Re-testing of defects fixes
6. Regression testing of modules.
7. Perform Sanity Testing on current build.
During this phase, we comply to the guideline that is set for us. Here
1. Execute the test cases which are meant for test to pass first.
2. Execute the test cases priority wise.
3. Execute the test case group wise which are interrelated.
4. Execute the test cases which are written to break the functionality.
Once we go through the test case execution process, there might be the case that some test cases will fail and some will pass. Now, it is of utmost important to track those fail test cases. This situation invokes the need of some defect management tools to track those fail test cases (bugs). To meet this need, we use defect tracking tools like Bugzilla, Mantis, Jira etc as per availability.
Now, you might think what happens once a bug is found. Well, once a bug is found in the system, it takes it own life cycle. A bugs goes through many stages before it get fixed. Here, we are trying to elaborate the Bug Life Cycle a bug goes through. We are depicting the Big Life Cycle with the following diagram:
Now, we are going to explore different stages of the Bug from it’s inception to closer. The life of bug starts from when it is logged and ends when it is fixed by developer, and verified & closed by Software Tester. Following are the status associated with a bug:

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  2. Thanks Bell,

    Glad you liked the blog!

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