
Showing posts from December, 2010

I'm in software testing eBook - Shivakumar Mathivanan

Daily Testing Tip and Software Testing Club have launched an eBook recently. Iā€™m extremely happy to see the eBook created with one simple but powerful idea which turned into a fabulous eBook for a great cause. The idea was a twitter challenge prompted by Daily Testing Tip 's Anne-Marie Charrett to complete the phrase "If I were a test case I would..." The response was overwhelming to tribute for a cause. The cause is to help Chandrashekar B.N (Chandru). Chandru is a passionate tester and we testers are contributing our sincere prayers and money to beat his Blood Cancer. Yes, Chandru is affected with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. For more information please continue surfing more web links here: | | .You're helping hands are equally better as you're praying lips. Please help Chandru. Thank you! @xploresqa  is  Shiva Mathivanan : I was patiently going through each sections of eBook page-by-pa...

Why do performance testers need to know business? - The Performance Testing Zone

Well the question does seem easy enough at the first look. This is what the managers across the board have been crying hoarse. Testers need to know business. Or else how can they test? Agreed. But when it comes to performance testers, does this hold good? From a performance testing standpoint, what does a normal performance testers do? In almost all cases, the only way where the critical business flows are identified is via the hits on the web server. If it is a new application, most of the time, the business will have a fair idea of which flows will be critical and those will be handed down to the performance testers. Now our performance tester will come in and write scripts, designs the scenario based on the requirements and executes the test. During the analysis, the following things will be looked at. 1. Server Health 2. Performance issues in code 3. SLAs So keeping this in mind where does the business come in? Does it really matter to the performance tester to understand the ...

QTP VS Selenium - QA Blog

My company was using QTP to do the test automation for the past 3-4 years. But we are now moving to cucumber and selenium Webdriver. This blog is about why we are moving away from QTP in my company. One of the main reason that we move from QTP is that it is a reactive approach of writing test automation. The product is finished and the tester starts writing the automation test. Only the tester writes the automation. With cucumber and selenium , writing automation test is a joint effort between the developers and the testers. The testers write the test cases in cucumber scenario format, then the developers write the steps definition. This way, everyone is contributing and everyone is reviewing the test cases. In our case, our QTP automation tester left the company and the QTP vbs code is hard to maintain and to read compared to cucumber and ruby code. I have tried to read QTP code to try to convert the test to cucumber and it is just taking quite a lot of time to just understand wh...

Shortcuts that help in automation !

There are a lot of situations wherein we use shortcuts as a workaround while automating. Here are some shortcuts for windows and Microsoft apps:  P.S:  Click on the image and download for quick referenceļ»æt apps:

Code to get attribute values from an xml

Was facing a problem in finding the attributes in an xml file, Here is the code of how to solve that: Const XMLDataFile = "C:\Test.xml" Set xmlDoc = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLDOM") xmlDoc.Async = False xmlDoc.Load(XMLDataFile) Dim strAttribute Set nodes = xmlDoc.SelectNodes("/Path till the node where the attribute is present") For i = 0  To(nodes.Length -1)       strAttribute= nodes(i).getAttribute("Attribute Name")       MsgBox "Node #" & (i + 1)& ": " & strAttribute Next SampleXml Hope this helps!

QTP - Hybrid Automation Frame Work - Bharath

What is Automation Framework? Framework is a wrapper around complex internal architecture which makes end user to interact with the system easily. It also define guidelines and set standards for all phases of ADLC (Automation Development Life Cycle). This ā€œDual Functionā€ (Hybrid) framework is a combination of three frameworks (Functional Decomposition, Data Driven, Keyword Driven) and (re-usability, advanced error logic, custom QTP methods, dual function) techniques. Key features of Dual function Framework 1. Re-usability, low maintenance design (Dual Function). 2. Support different application environments (Development, Quality Control, production) and custom client settings. 3. Externally Configurable - Execute all the test cases, execute only failed test cases, execute test cases by test case id, execute test cases by using flags...can be configured in different ways. 4. Self Configurable and can run unattended with out results being overwritten. 5. Better ROI (Return O...

Zephyr v3.0 - Test Mangement tool

  Zephyr v3.0 ,  an advanced and comprehensive test management system. Zephyr v3.0 has the following features: Custom reports generator:  Zephyr's new custom report generator makes it simple for every team to be able to run any report they need. The new functionality builds on the existing out of the box functionality which comes with more than 16 drill down reports and metrics. Extensive APIā€™s:   Zephyr's philosophy has always been to integrate with existing infrastructure and not force teams to rip one tool out to replace it with another. With the new extensive API's Zephyr further extends the capability of its platform to support the myriad needs of global software quality teams. The web services API's are fully documented at   http://developer.yourzephyr. com . Enhanced productivity levels/Search Technology:   Zephyr's test management solution promotes a new level of organization at the release, project, department and global level. With the 3.0 r...

Testing News - Dec 8th

Announcing the First-Ever Selenium Conference in San Francisco - Sauce Labs, the company co-founded by Selenium creator Jason Huggins, today announced the inaugural Selenium Conference , which will take place on April 1-3, 2011 Source : News   Blueberry Launches Version 3.0 of Its Software Testing Tool for Developers Source : News    HP Intros Application Lifecycle Management 11: a unified system for managing the lifecycle of a key business application when it needs to be built from a variety of services running in heterogeneous environments. Source: News   IBM and QAI Partner to Launch Dual Certification Program in Functional Testing: Leading to Dual Certifications in Software Testing (CSTE) and Rational Functional Testing (RFT)  India currently has approximately over 132,000 professionals working in the Independent Testing Services Business, out of which approximately 65% of the work done, is in the field of Functional Testing.  Source : News

Lean as a toolkit towards agility - Ranjan

Definitely Lean!! Over the last few years, agile software development processes like XP and Scrum have gained a lot of prominence, and a majority of organizations have tried one of these one time or another. I mention two here - Scrum is an agile management methodology, XP more of agile engineering practices, because on various fora, you will find debates on one over the other, and sometimes hopefully one mixed with the other. Both the methodologies are practical extensions to the agile manifesto , concrete processes that supplement a philosophy. Unfortunately, there seems to be a majority which assumes complete agility is achieved when practicing one of these methodologies or a mix of them. Blindly adopting a methodology is no different from following older so called non-agile practices. Granted there might be immediate visible improvements with better communication and development techniques, this ends up as just a linear function of the ability to change for the better. Given t...

Test Automation tools in the market!!

Here is not a complete list but almost complete list of functional test automation tools: Open Source GUI testing tools: Abbot AutoHotkey AutoIt Canoo CubicTest is a graphical Eclipse plug-in for writing Selenium and Watir tests. Dogtail by Red Hat FitNesse Linux Desktop Testing Project by Maveryx is an automated functional testing, regression testing, GUI testing and data-driven testing tool. QAliber by QAlibers, free open source for testing applications and web over windows OS Selenium for Web UI testing SWTBot functional testing of SWT and Eclipse based applications Tellurium Automated Testing Framework (runs on top of Selenium). Watir browser driver for web UI testing WatiN Web automated testing in .NET Lots more open source tools here Commercial GUI testing tools AutoIt Automation Anywhere eggPlant by TestPlant Ltd GUIdancer by Bredex, for Java (Swing, RCP/SWT, GEF) and HTML HP QuickTest Professional (QTP) by Hewlett-Packard (for...

Selenium RC - User Extension.JS - Bharath

As a Selenium programmer you may require to create new methods or functions that doesn't exist. One of the best method is by using UserExtension.js. In future posts I will explain about extending the existing selenium class. Add following libraries to your project, attaching the snap shot. Create new java class using following code. This example is created on, so that any one can execute the code with out any issues. What is this program about ? 1. Created new Method "MyClick". 2. Two new functions to calculate page response time (timerStart, timerStop). 3. Open the google page, search for an item and display page response time in Milli seconds for the results page. Initially I had lot of issues while working with user-extensions, I want to bring clarity to my users by providing this example. There are differences between IDE and RC extensions, read my timer extension post for better understanding. package package1; import static org....

Skillset - SDET for web application

Here is what a company in seattle is looking for in a Automation engineer as a SDET (Software Design Engineer in Test )  We're looking for an experienced engineer who loves test automation - writing real code to test large-scale web systems. You'll join a talented, experienced, fun software team, automating complex and highly-scalable online systems. Requirements 5+ years of professional experience as a software engineer (either in development or in test) on commercial-grade software in Java, Perl, and/or C++ you need the basics on test strategy and approach Nice to have: web test and/or development experience - Selenium, Watir , etc. coding really valuable Nice to have: SQL testing and/or development experience Nice to have: CS degree or equivalent Great team member, plays well with others, etc. We're definitely looking for real development experience!

RefCardz - Do you want to learn faster?

RefCardz are one of the best ways to learn a process, technology or a tool and James has submitted an interesting collection of the top 5 RefCardz for Testing. These are definite downloads and must haves if you are using any of them: Selenium 2.0: Using the WebDriver API to Create Robust User Acceptance Tests PHPUnit: PHP Test-Driven Development - Automated Tools to Improve Your PHP Code Quality JUnit and EasyMock  Getting Started with Fitnesse Getting Started with Firebug 1.5 To download these refcardz follow the link below: Five Great Refcardz For Software Testing

Make your tests agile too: wiki - Trish Khoo

This is a story about my experience in using a wiki to manage test cases. Over the past few years, I have been evaluating different test case management approaches and tools . At first I was looking for a one-fits-all solution, but it quickly became apparent that such a dream was impossible to achieve. At Campaign Monitor , we are constantly adapting and improving our test approach to fit each release cycle. So I started focusing on finding a tool that supports our current test approach, but is flexible enough to adapt when the test approach changes to suit a new context. I have found that the way in which many test tools are designed can force the testers into taking a certain test approach. A wiki is somewhat like a series of blank canvases all linked together, so it seems like a very flexible solution. In practice, this proved to be the case, but was flexibility enough? We had more freedom in our test cases We began with a repository of regression test cases in TestLink and ...

Testing News - Nov 30th

GUIdancer test tool to become Eclipse project and Open source : Long-time Eclipse member Bredex plans to release core components of its GUIdancer test automation tool as an open source project hosted by the Eclipse Foundation. Source: News Microsoft is adding private beta group support to the Windows Phone 7 Marketplace, allowing developers to do limited testing of their applications before submitting for full app store inclusion.Source : News National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) researchers recently released a new and improved bug catching system designed to more efficiently find software glitches during the development process. NIST reported in 2002 that software bugs cost the economy nearly $60 billion even though 50 percent of software development budgets are devoted to testing. Testing every possible variable is not practical. A system with 34 on and off switches, for example, would require 17 billion tests. Source: News