Maximize browser using QTP and IE8 / IE7 / Firefox

Problem : Maximize a tabbed browser (ie7/ie8/firefox)
Solution1:  hwnd=Browser("name:=myBrowser").getROProperty("hwnd")
Disadvantage:  Does not work with tabbed browsers consistently

Solution2: hwnd=Browser("name:=myBrowser").Object.HWND
              Set objWindow=Window("hwnd:="&hwnd2)
Disadvantage:  Does not work with tabbed browsers when there are multiple browsers open

SystemUtil.Run "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe",URL,"C:\","open","3"

The "3" at the end Activates and Maximizes the window.
Disadvantage:  Does not work when the browser is already open 

Solution4: Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
               'Alt Space X - shortcut to maximize ie browser.
                WshShell.SendKeys "% x"

Hope this helps as always :)
Happy Testing!


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