When message box is not sufficient!!

There are instances when we want to output a large amount of text and we can see just the truncated version in a msgbox. Here is a quick function that can be reused: Sub Debug2(myText) ' Uncomment the next line to turn off debugging ' Exit Sub If Not IsObject(objIEDebugWindow) Then Set objIEDebugWindow = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application") objIEDebugWindow.Navigate "about:blank" objIEDebugWindow.Visible = True objIEDebugWindow.Toolbar = False objIEDebugWindow.Width = 200 objIEDebugWindow.Height = 300 objIEDebugWindow.Left = 10 objIEDebugWindow.Top = 10 Do While objIEDebugWindow.Busy WScript.Sleep 100 Loop objIEDebugWindow.Document.Title = "IE Debug Window" objIEDebugWindow.Document....