All about Business Process Testing (BPT)

I shall share my experience here that might help folks who are planning to adopt BPT :

HP Business Process Testing in a nut shell is used for designing business components that can be reused in business process tests.

Pre- requisite : A separate add-in which comes along with Quality Centre.
QC 10 - []

Components are easily-maintained, reusable units that perform a specific task. Quick Test provides two types of components: Manual / QTP / Winrunner
QTP - business components and scripted components
Business Components are keyword driven components
Scripted Components are regular code driven components.

Application Area: Collection of testing resources  like function libraries, shared object repositories, keywords, testing preferences and recovery scenarios

Component Input and Output Parameters - Variable values to and from a business component.

1. Creating Application Areas
Create, populate, and maintain shared object repository files that are used by Quick Test to identify the objects in your application
Create function libraries that contain functions, or operations/keywords that can be called by a component.
You can create multiple application areas , each one focusing on a particular part of the application.

2. Creating Components in the Quality Center Business Components Module
Details: pre-conditions and post-conditions
Snapshot:  If needed
Parameters: Specifies the input and output component parameter values for the business component. Design Steps: Create or view the manual steps of your business component
Automation:  Create keyword driven components and scripted components
Used by:  Business process tests that include the currently selected business component.
Component Requests pane: Handle new component requests that were generated in the Test Plan module.

3. Creating Business Process Tests and Flows in the Quality Center Test Plan Module SME creates a business process test or flow in the Test Plan module by dragging and dropping required components.

4. Run the BPT tests like regular tests from test lab

Advantages of Business Process Testing Framework:

  1. Eliminates the need of creating a separate framework for the Automation.
  2. Both input and output parameters can be directly added in Quality Centre
  3. A manual tester can remove the unwanted component from the test flow without affecting the code
  4. Single point of maintenance for all elements associated with the testing of a specific part of your application
  5. High reusability with data-driven test components
  6. Quickly test multiple flows , suitable for agile frameworks
  7. Need not have expertise in automation to create and run tests once the components are built
Practical way of applying BPT to your project:
  1. Create components from QC using scripted components
  2. Create atleast one initialization / driver component
  3. Create one component for each reusable functionality
  4. Create Verification components
  5. Create new tests by choosing test type = business component
  6. Drag and drop components into test case templates under test plan
  7. Link parameters between components
  8. Add the tests to test sets in test lab

Update: With QC 10 being really slow wrt BPT HP came up with ALM(Application Lifecycle Managemet) for QC11
In QC 10 every single component that is in a BPT test has to be downloaded separately and run
In QC 11 there is a "BPTWrapperTest" that takes a BPT test, downloads all its components, and generates a single QTP - BPT Wrapper test to run


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