What is UFT - Unified Functional Testing ??

UFT or Unified Functional Testing

HP is now selling a new tool license called UFT which is nothing but QTP 11.0 (for GUI testing) and Service test (for non GUI testing) under one umbrella.

If you try to download the tool from HP's website you would be downloading nothing but QTP 11.0!!
They also have a website which is "http://unifiedfunctionaltesting.com/" which is under construction :-)

You can download their brochure about the tool from here , which says that they are targeting at multiple layers of an application from one single place.

Layers of Application are
  1. Business Process Testing
  2. Application level / GUI testing
  3. Headless layer / Web services testing / Java/JMS or .NET API
Hope this tool is much more than a gimmick by HP to sell a new license..


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