Automate recurring appointments on MS Outlook
Here is another piece of code that is fun when it comes to automating data from excel and setting up outlook recurring appointments.
strExcelPath = ""
Const olAppointmentItem = 1
Const olRecursWeekly = 1
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.WorkBooks.Open strExcelPath
Set objSheet = objExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(1)
intRow = 3
Do While objSheet.Cells(intRow, 1).Value <> ""
strName = objSheet.Cells(intRow, 3).Value
strDate = objSheet.Cells(intRow, 4).Value
Set objOutlook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set objAppointment = objOutlook.CreateItem(olAppointmentItem)
strStart = strDate & "/2012 11:00 AM"
strEnd = strDate & "/2099 11:00 AM"
objAppointment.Start = strStart
objAppointment.Duration = 30
objAppointment.Subject = strName & " Birthday Reminder"
objAppointment.Body = "Today is " &strName& "'s Birthday!"
objAppointment.Location = "Team Decides"
objAppointment.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 15
objAppointment.ReminderSet = True
Set objRecurrence = objAppointment.GetRecurrencePattern
objRecurrence.RecurrenceType = 5
objRecurrence.PatternStartDate = strStart
objRecurrence.PatternEndDate = strEnd
Set objRecurrence = nothing
Set objAppointment = nothing
Set objOutlook = nothing
intRow = intRow + 1
' Close workbook and quit Excel.
set objSheet = nothing
set objExcel = nothing
Happy automating!
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