Open JavaScript Editor for Eclipse

If you are working on Eclipse (Kepler/Juno/or anyother version) and you want to use JavaScript editors , there are very few good options:

Solution 1: (Recommended for Juno users)

  1. Open Eclipse -> Go to "Help" -> "Install New Software"
  2. Select the repository for your version of Eclipse. I have Juno so I selected
  3. Expand "Programming Languages" -> Check the box next to "JavaScript Development Tools"
  4. Click "Next" -> "Next" -> Accept the Terms of the License Agreement -> "Finish"
  5. Wait for the software to install, then restart Eclipse (by clicking "Yes" button at pop up window)
  6. Once Eclipse has restarted, open "Window" -> "Preferences" -> Expand "General" and "Editors" -> Click "File Associations" -> Add ".js" to the "File types:" list, if it is not already there
  7. In the same "File Associations" dialog, click "Add" in the "Associated editors:" section
  8. Select "Internal editors" radio at the top
  9. Select "JavaScript Viewer". Click "OK" -> "OK"
To add JavaScript Perspective: (Optional)
10. Go to "Window" -> "Open Perspective" -> "Other..."
11. Select "JavaScript". Click "OK"
To open .html or .js file with highlighted JavaScript syntax:
12. (Optional) Select JavaScript Perspective
13. Browse and Select .html or .js file in Script Explorer in [JavaScript Perspective] (Or Package Explorer [Java Perspective] Or PyDev Package Explorer [PyDev Perspective] Don't matter.)
14. Right-click on .html or .js file -> "Open With" -> "Other..."
15. Select "Internal editors"
16. Select "Java Script Editor". Click "OK" (see JavaScript syntax is now highlighted )

Solution 2: (Recommended for Kepler / any other users)
A super-lightweight javascript editor called Eclipse HTML Editor Plugin, made by Amateras
Download from
Put the downloaded JAR file into ECLIPSE_HOME/plugins or ECLIPSE_HOME/dropins.
Happy JS'ing !!


  1. Thanks dude for your great post, it’s very helpful information for everyone.... Rich text editor JavaScript


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