Issue while setting up TestNG and Maven from Scratch

Here is what a good friend of mine was facing with TestNG and Maven: 


For your Blog:

Issue while setting up TestNG and Maven from Scratch:

Eclipse TestNG Plugin Version which is higher than TestNG jar in your pom dependecy, will fail to either Start or Quit the driver.

For example, I downloaded TestNG Eclipse plugin 6.9.10, but my pom.xml had a dependency on version 6.9.9. I kept getting the Unreachable Browser Exception for IE, Chrome and Mozilla.

I downloaded TestNG plugin 6.9.4, which is more stable, but my pom.xml had a dependency on version 6.8. The webdriver struggled to open and reported a " Software caused connection abort: socket write error", though my test completed successfully. I received this error again across all 3 drivers, i.e Firefox, IE and Chrome.

So to fix the above issues, I kept the plugin version 6.9.4, but increased the pom dependency on Test NG jar to 6.9.9. Result was a smooth execution.

I hope this piece of information can be of some help to people struggling setting up maven and testng for the first time.



Source: Email from Siddharth Dhar


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