GitHub search results as a feed?

Is there a way to search the git hub results so you can have a feed of recently updated repositories or users you follow etc?

The answer is yes

GitHub has an API for search

Example of how it works?

Let's say you want to search all test automation repositories written in Java.
Your query might look like this.

In the above example q is the search item automation
and language is java
and sort is based on stars
and order is desc


qstringThe search keywords, as well as any qualifiers.
sortstringThe sort field. One of starsforks, or updated. Default: results are sorted by best match.
orderstringThe sort order if sort parameter is provided. One of asc or desc. Default:desc
To check for more queries and search parameters read these:

Use or any other JSON viewer to get your results the way you would like.


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