Group multiple GitHub repositories by keyword or tag

Problem: If you are using GitHub and have multiple repositories , you surely want to organize them.
How do I group related github repositories in a folder structure?
Is there a feature providing any ability to order and structure or even tag repositories on github?

The answer is No! Unless you want to use the GitHub Organizations

But there is a Solution:

You can use gitrep (external oauth app) which allows you to organize starred repos using the concept of tagging. 

Gitrep also helps you to do this: 

"How to best find and compare different open source options. Typically it is not easy to answer questions like "What is the most popular jQuery Instagram library?" or "What Ruby gems are similar to Devise but newer?".

This is where Gitrep aims to help.

Gitrep allows you to search repositories by community created tags and their descriptions, along with apply personal tags that you can use for your own personal organization. You can also see repositories that are similarly tagged, along with see "users who star this repository typically also star these repositories" type relations."



  1. We now also have

  2. Or this


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