
Showing posts from January, 2018

Australia 2030 - Roadmap to innovate and transform / disruption through ML

Good to see there are smart people having a futuristic vision in this space, though 2030 sounds far! New Australian innovation roadmap calls for focus on AI, machine learning Data science and artificial intelligence (AI) represent a significant economic opportunity for the Australian economy, according to a new report released by Innovation and Science Australia (ISA). ISA was tasked by the federal government with developing a strategic plan for the Australian innovation, science and research system out to 2030.

Notebook or Scripts on Kaggle?

What is a Kernel? Kernels contain both the code that is needed for analysis and the analysis itself! "Kaggle Kernels is a cloud computational environment that enables reproducible and collaborative analysis. Kernels supports scripts in R and Python, Jupyter Notebooks, and RMarkdown reports. Go to the Kernels tab to view all of the publicly shared code on this competition. For more on how to use Kernels to learn data science, visit the Tutorials tab . " There are two types of Kernels on Kaggle: Notebook Scripts Script or notebook depends on what you are trying to achieve, If you were me then start with a notebook and move to a Script!

Key takeaway on how to start your ML journey

I recently gave a talk on ML and that has inspired me to tread down the path and explore more. I can't call it a recent post but it is a recent post  from  Jason Brownlee   that I read which has given me better direction to add some seriousness to this field Some key takeaway on how to start mine/your ML journey: DO NOT go through ML tutorials , Get onto hands-on realtime problems  Get onto Kaggle Follow the likes of Triskelion  Reproduce what others have done, DO NOT reinvent the wheel What other tools ? Vowpal Wabbit Scikit-learn R or Weka or Python or DO NOT have a weapon of choice "Competing consistently is the key to getting good." New to Data Science? Get started with a tutorial on our most popular competition for beginners, Titanic: Machine Learning from Disaster . Machine learning is the hottest field in data science, and this track will get you started quickly. Practice a lot : ...

Why did I change the name of my blog?

Okay, I have been asked by a lot of people and if you follow my blog youā€™re probably wondering why did I change the name of my blog right?  Well, if you are not living under a rock you've probably heard about "Machine Learning" and how it's changing everything we do. Therefore the new name "Go gaga over Testing   Machine Learning" , all the posts going ahead will be very much focused in this direction. There is another reason "I love Alan Turing" :) Machine learning applications have the potential to disrupt industries, take pioneers miles ahead of competitors, and even create new revenue channels. Because cloud-based analytics solutions have become affordable for startups, we already have hundreds of business success stories that have been written using the power of machine learning. I havenā€™t officially changed the URL, so you will still type in to access my site, but the name of the blog, logo, ...

Every CIO must read this post - CIO must-dos for 2018

The best time that I spend on my way to work reading blogs and sharing information, the byproduct a few must reads for almost anyone who wants an answer to where is technology going in the near future: IT goals for 2018: Five CIO must-dos For me, 2017 was a good year. We got a lot done. And the situation in the world -- everything moving at a faster... pace, constant change, new types of security threats, new technologies, new vendors, acquisitions, the on-going IT skills shortage and so on -- made it easier for me to make the case that we urgently needed to overhaul our organizational culture, processes and technologies. Top 10 blog posts of 2017 illuminate top CIO goals SearchCIO's most popular blog posts of 2017 point to a set of lofty -- and mandatory -- CIO goals: artificial intelligence,... digital transformation, multicloud management. IT leaders are learning all they can about these tech trends. The aim? To help their companies gain business advantage -- b...

Curated list of all possible Testing tools via the Test Pyramid

Based on the testing pyramid by Martin Fowler , I decided we need something similar that gives us a reference to all possible tools for each layer of the pyramid. and a similar one for mobile devices and Non Functional testing. Here is a curated list of all possible testing tools classified by the pyramid as a reference: TestingToolsviaTestPyramid List of all testing tools in every programming language , based on the Testing Pyramid Let's finish this list! Click on each slice of the pyramid to see what tools do we have in that space Automated GUI Tests Automated API Tests Automated Integration Tests Automated Component Tests Automated Unit Tests Automated Database Tests Framework - Reporting / CI / LiveDoc / Code Analysis Agnostic Frameworks Reporting Documentation Code Analysis Continuous Integration Non Functional Testing - Performance / Security NFR Mobile Real Device Tests Si...