QTP and Mainframes = Terminal Emulator ?

I am sure if you have used QTP a lot and are new to Mainframe applications like Hummingbird HostExplorer, Attachmate EXTRA!, NetManage RUMBA etc . QTP provides a Terminal Emulator (TE) Add-in that allows users to use a Terminal Emulator to access and automate Mainframe Applications. Configure the TE Add-in with a Terminal Emulator. Not panic as TE is not like the other add-ins The answer to the question QTP and Mainframes = Terminal Emulator ? is Not really . It's not as simple as adding the add-in at startup and start using various predefined objects. To better understand how to use TE and configure it the below links might help: http://www.jds.net.au/tech-tips/qtp-with-terminal-emulators/ http://www.advancedqtp.com/wp-content/uploads/TETutorial/index.html