Click on .net toolbar using bounds property

In continuation to the previous post Automation of the .NET ToolbarsManager , here is the code that will click on any toolbars button using the bounds property : Note that: The toolbar is recognized as an swfobject here We are accessing the CommandLinks collection to access individual buttons in the toolbar Using an array to get the bounds and then clicking on the respective button. Set Mnubar = SwfWindow("").SwfObject("").Object.CommandLinks For i = 0 To Mnubar.Count -1 Mnuname=Mnubar.Item(i).Text msgbox Mnuname oBounds = Mnubar.Item(i).Bounds arrBounds = Split(oBounds, ",") arrBound = Split(arrBounds(0), "=") iX = CInt(arrBound(1)) arrBound = Split(arrBounds(1), "=") iY = CInt(arrBound(1)) SwfWindow("").Activate SwfWindow("").SwfObject("").Click iX,iY Next We can make...