
Showing posts from July, 2017

Open Git Bash with default path

Problem:  Every-time I launch git bash I need to traverse to the work-space directory that I am working on. Solution: There are different ways you could do this: the easiest is to Right click on the Windows shortcut that you use to launch git bash, and click Properties. Change the value of "Start In" to your desired workspace path Or use ConEmu where you have a task for starting Git Bash like Note the button "Startup dir..." in the bottom. It adds a -new_console:d: to the startup command of the Git Bash. Make it point to wherever you like Or Add the line to the .bashrc file in the home directory (create the file if it doesn't exist): cd ~ touch . bashrc echo "cd ~/Desktop/repos/" >> . bashrc

Microsoft releases fuzz testing service for public use

What is it? Fuzz testing (i.e. fuzzing) is a software testing technique that consists of inputing invalid, unexpected, or random data into to a computer program, to check whether it will crash, show memory leaks, etc. In short, itā€™s a shortcut for finding bugs that, if missed, could result in serious problems down the development road, as well as security problems for users. What did Microsoft release? Earlier called Project Springfield Microsoft Security Risk Detection Security Risk Detection is Microsoft's unique fuzz testing service for finding security critical bugs in software. Security Risk Detection helps customers quickly adopt practices and technology battle-tested over the last 15 years at Microsoft. READ SUCCESS STORIES How does Microsoft Security Risk Detection work? How does it work? Built on Azure and powered by artificial intellingence, Microsoft Security Risk Detection aims to uncover bugs and vulnerabilities in software before it is release...

Intriguing micro-services testing from Thoughtworks

One of the best ways to explain micro-services testing - Thoughtworks Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture There has been a shift in service based architectures over the last few years towards smaller, more focussed "micro" services. There are many benefits with this approach such as the ability to independently deploy, scale and maintain each component and parallelize development across multiple teams. However, once these additional network partitions have been introduced, the testing strategies that applied for monolithic in process applications need to be reconsidered.

The Bigger Picture - Agile Landscape


From Delegates to Anonymous Delegates to Lambda

" Delegate " is actually the name for a variable that holds a reference to a method A delegate is comparable to a function-pointer; a "method handle" as an object, if you like, i.e. Func < int , int , int > add = ( a , b ) => a + b ; is a way of writing a delegate that I can then call. Delegates also underpin eventing and other callback approaches. Anonymous methods are the 2.0 short-hand for creating delegate instances, for example: someObj . SomeEvent += delegate { DoSomething (); }; they also introduced full closures into the language via "captured variables" C# 3.0 introduces Lambdas , which can produce the same as anonymous methods: Lambda expressions are a simpler syntax for anonymous delegates and can be used everywhere an anonymous delegate can be used. However, the opposite is not true. Lambdas can also be compiled into expression trees for full LINQ against (for example) a database. You can't...

.gitignore templates for all programming languages

Problem: Trying to find the best .gitignore for C# Solution: GitHub has a complete  "Collection of useful .gitignore templates" . The .gitignore for Visual Studio can be found here: .github adding a template to help streamline review process a year ago Global Optionally add log files to Vagrant and improve file's comments 2 months ago Actionscript.gitignore Add FlashDevelop and executables to Actionscript a year ago Ada.gitignore ensure single trailing newline 3 years ago Agda.gitignore Create Agda.gitignore 4 years ago Android.gitignore Ignore dictionaries to reflect docs 5 months ago AppEngine.gitignore Added template for Google App Engine 3 years ago AppceleratorTitanium.gitignore Added Appcelerator Titanium .gitignore file. 5 years ago ArchLinuxPackages.gitignore Add .jar, .exe and .msi 2 years ago Autotools.gitignore autotools.gitignore: add missing files 10 months ago C+...