
Showing posts from July, 2016

WebDriverManager - Solution to the selenium binaries

What is WebDriverManager ? Problem:   In order to use some browsers (for example  Chrome , Internet Explorer ,  Opera ,  Microsoft Edge ,  PhantomJS , or  Marionette ) you need to download a binary which allows WebDriver to handle the browser. In addition, the absolute path to this binary must be set as Java variables, as follows: System . setProperty( " " , " /absolute/path/to/binary/chromedriver " ); System . setProperty( " webdriver.opera.driver " , " /absolute/path/to/binary/operadriver " ); System . setProperty( " " , " C:/absolute/path/to/binary/IEDriverServer.exe " ); System . setProperty( " webdriver.edge.driver " , " C:/absolute/path/to/binary/MicrosoftWebDriver.exe " ); System . setProperty( " phantomjs.binary.path " , " /absolute/path/to/binary/phantomjs " ); System . setProperty( " webdriver.gecko.driver " , ...

Marionette ?

Background: Mozilla has been working on a project called Marionette which will become a future version of FirefoxDriver. Official link - Read more here Now called the GeckoDriver If you want to perform UI tests with browser chrome or content, Marionette is the tool you're looking for! Using Marionette with Webdriver - Future: Marionette will be turned on by default from Selenium 3 Ideally when Firefox 52 comes around you will just update to Selenium 3 Happy Testing!

slf4j failed to load class

Problem:  If you are getting this error message every time you run your slf4j failed to load class framework org.slf4j.impl.staticloggerbinder Solution: If you use maven just add the following Happy Testing!

pip behind corporate firewall

Problem : Unable to install virtualenv using pip behind the proxy Solution : Similar to what we did when we installed git behind a company's firewall we shall set the proxy pip install --proxy="" virtualenv Or  pip install --proxy="http.proxy http[s]://userName:password(encoded)@proxyaddress:port" virtualenv For more information and if this solution doesn't work for you : Sources:

GitHub search results as a feed?

Is there a way to search the git hub results so you can have a feed of recently updated repositories or users you follow etc? The answer is yes GitHub has an API for search Example of how it works? Let's say you want to search all test automation repositories written in Java. Your query might look like this. In the above example q is the search item automation and language is java and sort is based on stars and order is desc Parameters Name Type Description q string The search keywords, as well as any qualifiers. sort string The sort field. One of  stars ,  forks , or  updated . Default: results are sorted by best match. order string The sort order if  sort  parameter is provided. One of  asc  or  desc . Default: desc To check for more queries and search parame...

Core SAFS Project for Test Automation Engines and Services

Here is an interesting project on GitHub  that provides test automation support and services What does SAFS provide? Software Automation Framework Support Core codes like: services, drivers, engines and hooks etc. drivers like: SAFS JSAFS SeleniumPlus Keyword implementation engines for different testing tools like IBM Rational Functional Tester Selenium 1.0 Selenium 2.0 WebDriver iOS UIAutomation ,  Android Robotium   Code for Image-Based Testing Rudimentary Optical Character Recognition (OCR) Cucumber integration Java AWT Robot enhancements Project Url/ Code: Environment setup for automation: Support:

Watch / Notifications projects in JIRA

Problem: How do I bulk watch issues on my JIRA project? Scenario:  You are a Test Manager with a program nearing release. You want to be notified when someone files a blocker or critical issue. Solution: Create a filter Add a subscription You can create a filter in JIRA that matches the criteria you need. Save the filter with an appropriate name - Some examples for JQL tips and tricks - Now click details link of the filter We can then subscribe to that filter.\ Whenever a new issue matches that filter, JIRA will email you. You can set notifications to whatever period you want. For example, you can make sure the list of critical issues are in your inbox every morning. As new issues come in, you can decide if you want to watch them to follow all the issue ...

Repost - The code that took America to the moon was just published to GitHub, and itā€™s like a 1960s time capsule

When programmers at the MIT Instrumentation Laboratory set out to develop the flight software for the Apollo 11 space program in the mid-1960s, the necessary technology did not exist. They had to invent it. They came up with a new way to store computer programs, called ā€œrope memory,ā€ and created a special version of the assembly programming language. Assembly itself is obscure to many of todayā€™s programmersā€”itā€™s very difficult to read, intended to be easily understood by computers, not humans. For the Apollo Guidance Computer (AGC), MIT programmers wrote thousands of lines of that esoteric code. Hereā€™s a very 1960s data visualization of just how much code they wroteā€”this is Margaret Hamilton, director of software engineering for the project, standing next to a stack of paper containing the software: Margaret Hamilton (NASA) The AGC code has been available to the public for quite a whileā€“it was first uploaded by tech researcher Ron Burkey in 2003, after heā€™d tr...

Interesting stats - Cloud Data Centers


The weird reason I learnt about Docker: Video recording embedded in Selenium Grid reports

From my earlier post " Docker + Compose + Selenium Grid = Automation awesomeness! " you would have seen that "video recording" was the reason that made me stumble upon Docker. So what options do we have when we want to accomplish videos embedded in our html report when playing with Selenium Grid. vnc2flv Monte avconv Here is a docker image that supports vnc recording: Another really good docker image with selenium grid sample tests: The recording option used here is avconv: Which is a child of ffmpeg the only one that supports mp4 format Therefore can be easily attached to a HTML5 webpage To read more there is an excellent blog poast from the github page: Other Docker images that support windows and Unix: